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Buff ducks first few minutes of life
Duckling to Duck in 60 Seconds
Letterkenny | Cold Open
#shorts My Buff Orpington ducklings getting their first feed of comfrey (Symphytum officinale)
Munchkin the Duck is Angry until she gets an Ice Water
We Hated Our Ducks, THEN WE DID THIS!
#shorts Buff Orpington ducklings (12 days old) that were hatched and are being raised by a hen
#shorts Collecting eggs from my heritage breed Buff Orpington ducks
Her moo is so adorable 🥹❤️#shorts
Don't Raise Ducks BEFORE Watching THIS! Everything You Need to Know
Kees Moeliker: How a dead duck changed my life
#shorts Finding the eggs that my sneaky heritage breed Buff Orpington ducks have hidden